
Show Recent Comments

It's very usefull to Show Recent Comments on main blog page. We can know who have given comments on aur articles without open it one by one. At this time I will show you how to show recent comments on our main page blog. It's very easy

1. Login to blogger then go to "Layout"
2. Then copy this code :

<script style="text/javascript" src="http://superinhost.com/blog/comments.js"></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var numcomments = 8;
var showcommentdate = true;
var showposttitle = true;
var numchars = 100;
var standardstyling = true;
<script src="http://trick-blog.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentcomments"></script>

- The 8 number is the sum of comments that will show up.
- Change trick-blog.blogspot.com with your blog's name.

3. You can show it in page elements. Just click on "add page elements --> HTML/Javascript" Then insert the script in it.

Or you can plug it in the "Tab View"


Tutorial to Create DTree Menu

DTree is a menu that be arranged like a tree. It will be like menu when you open "windows Explorer". It's very usefull if you have many posting (articel) in your blog. It can contain many link in small space. It will be like the below image :

Here's the step by step tutorial to create "DTree Menu" in blogger:

1. Login to Blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Put the code below over <head>

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="http://blogoholic.info/files/dtree/dtree.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://blogoholic.info/files/dtree/dtree.js"></script>

3. Save your editting.

4. Now edit end copy the below code then put on your sidebar.

<div class="dtree">
<script type="text/javascript">
d = new dTree('d');
d.add(0,-1,'My example tree');
d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
d.add(2,1,'Node 1.1','link.html');
d.add(3,2,'Node 1.1.1','link.html');
d.add(5,0,'Node 2','link.html');
d.add(6,5,'Node 2.1','link.html');
d.add(7,5,'Node 2.2','link.html');
d.add(8,0,'Node 3','link.html');
d.add(9,0,'Node 5','link.html');

Change "link.html" with your own link.
The first number must be unique (d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
The second number is child of the number (look at the color).

You can add the below code to add a new node with your own image


change "http://blogoholic.info/files/dtree/trash.gif" with your own image.
it will be like this :


Top 12 Quick SEO Tips for your Blog

Here are some helpful seo tips for your blog. These tips definately useful for your blog and your blog will get more traffic for the search engines if your follow the following tips :

  • If you have a domain and want to install wordpress blog, don't put your blog at the root of your domain. Rename the directory with "blog" instead of "wordpress".
  • Always use dashes or hyphens in the url. These are best. You can also use underscore in the url. Spaces and no spaces are useless.
  • Put target keyword in the title tag and the heading of blog post.
  • Include the main keyword in the first paragraph in every post.
  • Use alt tags on images. Its good seo strategy.
  • Install title and meta description plugins. And make all the titles unique with the help of title plugin. These worpdress plugins are available free.
  • Always ping your blog in google and other autoping resources when updated.
  • When changing your host, use a permanent redirect (301).
  • Check your blog in all the popular web browers and cell phone.
  • Verify your blog using google webmaster tool and submit xml sitemap in all the three major search engines like google, yahoo and msn.
  • Don't mix non-www with www.
  • If you are earning from google adsense, use section targeting. Google will display relevant ads on your blog.


How to Create Dropdown Menu

What is dropdown menu?
Dropdown menu is like this :

Here is the trick how to create dropdown menu :

Copy the code below and put it on your page elements.

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Blog Archive</option>
<option value="Links 1">Text 1</option>
<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

The red text is links, change it with your links.
The blue text is Anchor text. Yau must change it.

For example :

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Blog Archive</option>
<option value="http://trick-blog.blogspot.com/2008/02/tutorial-to-create-dtree-menu.htmll"> How to Create Dtree Menul </option>
<option value="http://trick-blog.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-create-search-engine-in-blogger.html"> How to Create Search Engine </option>

The result would be like this:

To add more menu/item, put a code like below

<option value="Links 3">Text 3</option>

before this code </select>

If you want the links opened in new window, change the code below

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

with this code ::

<select onchange="javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

The resul would be like this:


How To Create Tab View di Blogspot

Tab View is very usefull box. We can fill it with many contain. It will save our blogs area. (See Image Below)

Here is Tutorial how to create a tab view:

1. Login to blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Then find this code ]]></b:skin>
3. Insert the below code before ]]></b:skin> or in CSS tag.

div.TabView div.Tabs
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Tabs a
float: left;
display: block;
width: 90px; /* Width top main menu */
text-align: center;
height: 24px; /* Height top main menu */
padding-top: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 1px solid #000; /* Top Main menu border color */
border-bottom-width: 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Serif; /* Top main menu font */
font-weight: 900;
color: #000; /* Top main menu font color */
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active
background-color: #FF9900; /* Top main menu background color */
div.TabView div.Pages
clear: both;
border: 1px solid #6E6E6E; /* Content Border color */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FF9900; /* Content background color */
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad
padding: 3px 5px;

4. You can change the code according to the red text explanation. To get html color code see HERE
5. The next step is put the code below before </head>

<script src='http://superinhost.com/trikblog/tabview.js' type='text/javascript'/>

6. Then "save" it.
7. Go to "Page Elements" menu
8. Chose "Add Page Element" --> "HTML/Javascript" in place where you want to put this tab.
9. Insert this code :
<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div class="TabView" id="TabView">
<div class="Tabs" style="width: 350px;">
<a>Tab 1</a>
<a>Tab 2</a>
<a>Tab 3</a>

<div class="Pages" style="width: 350px; height: 250px;">

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 1.1 <br />
Tab 1.2 <br />
Tab 1.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 2.1 <br />
Tab 2.2 <br />
Tab 2.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 3.1 <br />
Tab 3.2 <br />
Tab 3.3 <br />



<script type="text/javascript">

Note :
- The number or the blue text(350px) Is size of the tabview.
- The green code is the main menu text
- The red code is the content of tabview. you can fill it with links, banner, widget, comment or anything.
- To add more menu, see on the blink code. Add the code under it.

Good luck every body.


Examining More Tips for Title Tag SEO

In our last article we considered how to structure your title tag for optimisation. We gave examples of how you should place your keyword phrase at the beginning of the tag and then again in the title. We even stated that variations on the keyword were acceptable. We are now going to look at a few other tips to help you out.

Your title tag should have your company name in the title. Most often it is best to be at the end because it will be the lesser important phrase. Your keywords, in other words, need to be prominent in the tag. So the company name is usually found with a –company name. Some do not believe the company name should be in the tag. So this is up to you, but most argue that it helps someone find and recognise you. Thus if you leave it in, it should not be at the beginning of the tag but at the end. The only time a company name is at the beginning of a title tag is if your name is also the keyword. This is very rare. Most company names, while they reflect some aspect of the keyword, are not usually helpful enough for it to be the primary keyword.

Most of the individuals who use title tags and the company name in it do so for branding. The brand name helps boost the tag in the consumer mind, but does not affect your rankings. In fact your name is very easy to rank in other ways.

Search engine optimisation is all about the ranking of your page. In that way the title tag which will be indexed is also highly influential in your success. Overall, when talking about title tags you have to understand what parts of the title tag are elemental. In other words these aspects cannot be forgotten or left out. The construction of your title tag could mean the difference between the first or second page in the listings. You will need to experiment a little bit with how you structure the tag before you launch it.

By changing the order of the words and searching for the best or primary phrase, you can ensure you have success. Title tags are of course not the only area in which you can work on SEO, but it is often an area that is over looked.


How To Make Email in Yahoo

Email, what email? This term often we hear, both in cyberspace and in the real world. For certain people might have understood what it terms e-mail, but there are also a few or many people who do not understand the term e-mail. Email stands for Electronic Mail, or in the Indonesian language its Electronic Mail, the mail delivery using electronic means to the network is the Internet, by mail or email a person can send text, picture, or even submit an application or files to someone who would also has an e-mail (electronic mail) in a very short time. Because email is using the Internet, the address was also customize the email service providers on the internet. Examples of email service provider is www.mail.yahoo.com, www.mail.google.com, etc.. email providers typically provide two services, the paid services and free services.

Difference between the paid services are free and are usually located on the capacity of reservoir space for email, and also giving the name or email address. Examples of email addresses from free email providers such as from yahoo.com would be like sukijan@yahoo.com, sukijan is sedangkan@yahoo.com username is the name of its service provider.

How To Make Email in Yahoo..? ? ? This will be explained below step by step guide or a complete way of creating an email from Yahoo.com free email service provider:


Back up Your Blog

Back up blog? is it important?
Yes it's very important. Because we can't guarantee that our blog will exist forever. Lately, many blogers lost their blogs because of unpredicted fault . Few months ago I lost all of my blog (it'a about 10 blogs), but now I got some of them back. Since then I know how important to back up our blog. It's really frustating when your hard work suddenly lost.

There is a free service website that allow us to back up our blog. It's name is blogbackuponline. They give us a space for 5 MB. Althought it's small but I think it's enough for us to backup our blog. If our avarage posted arcticle is 1000 character, meaning it can backup until 5000 title. It's for free version. They also provide more features for premium account. Just go to blogbackuponline and back up your blog there.


How to Find Good SEO Services?

The search for good SEO services online today can be frustrating. I have researched many SEO websites and tried to trace back to the real firm doing the work to see what's what. In many cases, I find that a website that says it is about SEO is really about link building. If you do your homework, you will find that it may not really be an SEO services business at all. It might just be a side project for someone. Or other times it's a hobby site that someone put up to make a few extra bucks.

To me, this is not the type of organization you want to trust your SEO to. When you look for SEO services you should check on a few very important things before you decide to do business with any specific company.

1) Do they have large corporate clients? I like to see this. This is a sign to me that the company is real. If they are able to convince large well-known businesses to work with them, they are probably trustworthy of your business. After all, a big company will have the resources and discipline to thoroughly review the firm before agreeing to work with them.

2) When you engage their SEO services, what type of reports and access do you get to what they are doing. Avoid any type of black-box thingy. You want an SEO who tells you exactly what they will do. This is, after all, not rocket science. I know many people are afraid of SEO. But to me it's not that hard to figure out. However, it is hard to put in the hours to do it. That's why you hire qualified SEO services from a trustworthy firm.

In sum, when you look for SEO online, do your homework. If you follow the two steps I've outlined here you are fairly likely to be doing business with a real shop that will increase your search engine rankings using the appropriate SEO tactics.


Wordpress Blog - SEO Tips and Avoid Mistakes

Recently I have visited the blogs and found some mistakes by the blogs owner. SOme mistakes are serious and search engines can penalize for these careless jobs. Few things are important and it helps you to get more traffic and get benefits. Some of the important points and steps are mentioned below :

Remove the hyperlink of Title from the single post:
Its common mistakes I have seen in the blogs. If a visitor in the single post then the title must not be hyperlinked. It is very easy to remove the hyperlink from the post title. Just go to Presentation > Theme Editor > and open singlepost.php and replace the following line "> with .

Use Wordpress Plugins:
Many plugins available free that helps you to make your website more seo-friendly. Some of the plugins are :
Google Sitemap Generator : Sitemap makes search engine easy to crawl all the pages. With the help of this, you can create the sitemap for your blog and submit it in google webmaster tools.

Optimize your Meta Description Tag : Meta descriptions are not very important, but still helpful in yahoo and other search engines. With the help of this plugin, you can manually insert the meta description for each post separately.

Title Tags Generator : Titles are still important. Install this plugin and insert title tags for each post.

Optimize Images :
Image optimization is the basic on-page seo. The visitors enters the website with the help of images also. So must include alt tags in the images.

Change the default Wordpress Theme:
The default wordpress theme is not very impressive. Lots of free attractive themes available. Download the theme and replace it with default. This makes your wordpress blog more professional.

Add noindex and nofollow to Category and Archieves:
Add noindex to categories, archieves, tags to avoid duplicate content issue. To insert noindex in the archieve, goto Theme Editor>header.php and replace with "meta name="robots" content="noindex"


SEO success quickly, just 5 steps

The most famous thing associated with the popularity index for a web page or website is the order of preference and selection of a successful SEO strategy. This will no doubt, give the website a huge boost for the selected portfolio of your site. For the effective implementation of the strategy, you should be pretty well known the various steps and tips that relate to the same tools and thus, becomehighly effective and reliable way to promote your business andmarketing trends through the internet. Certain steps and tips listed below you guidance that will definitely help you.

1.The owner should completely and comprehensively analyze the nature of website he is willing to optimize. No doubt, a detailed study of the various aspects like the contents, layout, web design, materials and promotional campaigns related to the same will effectively constitute a better and successful SEO strategy. You will make comparison of back links, portfolios of interest, enlisted directories to the corresponding company or website, web traffic and drawbacks which your website possess so that you may try your best to add the lacking criteria to your website.

2.Further, you will have to keep an eye on your competitors and other websites which are related to your topic of interest. You may decide your competitor by measuring the target audience capacity it has and various other factors to consider. You can use the comparative study to share a common link with the competitors at the earliest.

3.See, this step corresponds to a detailed study of the successful SEO strategy which must be done to your website. A comparison to your competitor and thorough analysis of your website features will give you much needed idea about the prospects and expectations of online visitors. No doubt, this will help you in improving the web traffic and thus, internet sale.

4.The most important step in pursuing the SEO plan for your website is the authentic and robust implementation of the ideas and strategies which you have gathered with the above mentioned three steps. In fact, a wrong implementation of the analysis and collected data will make all the previous efforts fruitless. Your precious time and research will go in vain. Hence, implementation of the steps and analysis data is essential.

5.Well, coming to the last and next step it is the time of thorough assessment of the results which you are receiving after the implementation of successful SEO strategy.


On-Page SEO - How to Improve Search Engine Ranking?

SEO is a buzzword in the world of Internet. Everyone is trying to master the skill and get the first page position on the search engine results. Many websites and article directories contain tons of pages stating the correct ways of achieving search engine optimization. They guarantee that following their tips or guidelines will surely make your site appear in first page of Google search. However, not all these pages contain valid and usable information and it is not a matter of just one day or few hours to get into the best position in search results. It surely requires continuous efforts for some consecutive days to reach the best position or we can say desired position.

Here are few things, again we don’t claim, these are ALL the things, required for better SEO. These surely work as far as our experience is concerned. Paying attention to following things will surely help to improve the search engine ranking for your website.

Content - Content is the main thing in any website. We can easily say that great and original content is everything required for SEO. It is like a property with a very high value. The more good is your content, the better are the possibilities for good page ranks in search engine results. You must put new and fresh content after a regular interval on your website. Latest updates in content are also required for better SEO.

Keywords – As stated in above paragraph, content is the main requirement for SEO. But whole content can not be used for optimization, you must select some important words or phrases which best describe your product or service you are offering from your website. Those important words are also called as keywords. Finding these keywords in the written content or conversely, developing content around keywords is more important task. These keywords can be put in “bold” case so that they can be prominently seen on the page by the search engine.

Density of Keywords – Number of keywords appearing on a single page is also one of the factors that is considered by search engine. This is because, if somebody has written only keywords in bold case hundred times, then the content is surely useless and adds no value. So three to four keywords per page is considered as ideal density by the content developers as well as search engines too.


7 Tips for Quality Link Building

If you are interested in maintaining a high profile SEO page, you must strict to quality back links and quality link building feature, which in turn will increase the web traffic. Further, it should also be noted here that building such high quality and standard back links for SEO purpose need an extensive research on the topic and your precious time should be invested there. It is better to place your back links in the collaboration of free and paid sites to an ultimate level which can fetch you the maximum benefits in terms of cash and web traffic.

Here are certain vital tips that will guide and help you in creating quality links

  • Always be aware of the page strength of the concerned website or webpage so that you can know the exact PR of your SEO. This in turn, will give you the accurate and more elaborate description of quality link building capacity. Just do not go on the rank which usually the various search engines and online directories provide you. In reality, ranking is more complex. Also, does not check only the rank of your home page rather believe in overall ranking?
  • It should be always be kept in mind that your webpage contains an optimum number of back links otherwise it will impact negatively. This is often the case with most of the website owners and those people who are interested in pursuing SEO.
  • See that the concerned directory is indexed with Yahoo, Bing or Google or not? This is the most important factor to consider here because you should be left out with false promises.
  • Application of high density keywords in your anchor text is always encouraged for maximizing the benefits. It may happen that a low profile directory will reject this offer but a settled directory will allow you to do so for quality link building.
  • Try to cat as matured person and buy a featured listings. Many offers are there but they do not work accordingly as the promises are made.
  • Do not go on the cost of directory. It may happen that your link building will be most successful with some inexpensive directories.
  • You should also be an opportunist to submit the deep links other than the index page. Each webpage has the capability to be ranked and thus, quality link building becomes very simple and effective.


How to Make SEO Techniques Work for You

For such a huge scope in the internet market and expectations of the online visitors, it is required to make SEO techniques work for you in quite an effective manner. It is needed here that implementation of the SEO strategy should be done in an authentic manner and thus, this will definitely lead to achieve the success level you have never imagined before. You surely need some extra efforts and tips that can turn the SEO strategy into a comprehensive approach that may benefit you in a long run.

  • The option of selecting the Google Ad words is a very cost effective and reliable process that will give you the much needed benefits. The working principle of the Ad words is to allow the customer to spend an average amount of money for a specific keyword.

  • Keep record of various online directories which can help you in listing your website and thus, provide an opportunity to rank the website to the highest level. There are certain directories which are free of cost and at the same time, they are treated as very reliable methods to implement the working of SEO strategy.

  • Always create an attractive, catchy and luring title containing the target keyword and it should be capable of attracting huge number of customers at the earliest.

  • Use all the available resources on the internet which may help you in employing the techniques in the most effective manner, some of the online page directories and keywords selection process has been trendy and in vogue in the recent few years. Such bold steps will definitely make SEO techniques work for you.

  • Even if you own a website for the SEO purpose you will be happy to own a blog related to the same topic and product which you are willing to promote to the highest standard.

  • Lay emphasis on the much needed website contents, page layout, design and title tags which often attract the attention of SEO experts. The emphasis on these terms wills effectively improve the level of SEO strategy you are adopting and implementing.

In fact there are two different types of SEO techniques – on page and off page. In off page SEO technique, the client just prepares himself for the implementation; judging and inspecting the various aspects that will make SEO techniques work for you. On the other hand, in on page techniques you are required to improve the look, appearance and overall density of keywords and their selection as the major work.


The Impact of Social Media on SEO

In the community of SEO, there are some conflicts of opinions over the topic "Impact of social media on SEO". Some members believe that there is surely an impact on the search engine pages ranks. Today many social media websites used by all the population over the world. Of course it is more seen in urban areas. Every person has an account on FaceBook or Twitter or MySpace. Looking at this fact, more population is available on social networks; why not use it for the purpose of marketing? So a link given on a popular blog can carry equal SEO rank as that of the link given on FaceBook page. Let's discuss the same topic here in this article in details.

In the field of Search Engine Optimization, the link building process is very important. The links pointing to your website which originate from other popular website carry lot of weight in deciding the PageRank of your website. In the same way, social media sites are also very attractive. When a link posted by you is seen by many of your potential customers and also can be carried forward to many more. All the pages on social media websites are indexed and therefore they prove to be very important in gaining good ranks. So we can say that there is surely an impact of social media on SEO.

Getting associated with social networking websites is not a very tedious job. Anyone can register with a genuine email address and set up fan pages on FB. You should try to find social site with more niche approach. This way you can target and become active on hundreds of niche websites. If you seek properly, you can get connected to various groups on social media which are associated to particular industry or area. This gives you access to all the other people or we can say potential customers connected in the group.

When talking of social media, a small hint about URL shortners will come handy. URL shortners are always present on social media, especially on Twitter. They prove to be a very good tool to shorten the URL by keeping the main anchor texts intact. If the URL shorter is not keeping the anchor tag same as original one, then the source page or website might not get ranked properly. You should prefer some paid URL shorteners which keep the anchor href tag intact while shortening it.


Less Known Facts About Google Ranking

Many of affiliate marketers use the Google PageRank as a reliable source to measure the popularity of the website. But many of them, in fact, many of internet users do not know how Google PageRank is actually evolved and what the notion behind it is. Ten years ago, the ranking was not the same as that of today, they were quite predictable. The search algorithm was more manually-driven than programmatically and so the search results from Google often showed the same websites over longer period of time. As a result of this, users were dependent on Google more as a site browsing tool. This is one of the facts about Google PageRanking.

However, the conditions have changed a lot now. Google has developed its services in more modern way where there is no manual dependency. All the things are taken care by algorithms. Now you do not experience the same search results for similar terms for even two days. You can see totally search results for same keywords. This really puts a question in front of all Google PageRank users, that is it really useful when Google shows very dynamic Page Ranks for the same website for same keywords. This proves that Page Rank is not merely a number but a result of complicated algorithms applied. To generate Page Rank, Google takes into account following factors- websites Meta tags, titles, keywords density, description tags, links coming from other websites, the Page Ranks of the referring websites. So you can now imagine how complex is the Page Rank generation algorithm. And this is the second of some facts about Google page ranking.

There is a variation in the Google suggestions for search query phrases. This way, the search queries data entered by people can also be under question. You cannot really depend on it. Sometimes, Google search gives totally different and strange results on the referral data of your website. Some people also reported a wide variation or sudden rise in the Google page crawling activity and after such activity, their Google traffic data was significantly decreased and hence lowering their page ranks.

For some webmasters, Google PageRank is not the only parameter to evaluate the popularity of the website. But of course they also get worried when their PageRank is modified because of any known or unknown reasons. This creates a fear among their PR network for sure. This way, above stated facts about Google PageRanking can affect your website’s popularity and thus affecting your money.


10 SEO Marketing Tips for Success

It has often been seen and reviewed over the time that even the top SEO marketing tips for success fail to respond in effective manner. This is not due to the lack of efficacy rather it is because of wrong implementation technique which the clients stick to. You should be bewaring of the false promises, attractive offers and the easy and inexpensive methods which various online sources fetch you for the SEO purpose. This is something which always affects the working module of the SEO strategy and you will not receive the needed results within the given timeframe. So, it is the utmost requirement for the customer to view and analyze all the relative scopes which may lead to the needed success for the website. Trust and honesty may be preferred over the overflow and exaggeration of contents and product description. Here are some of the most vital tips which will definitely give a new shape to your SEO strategy.

  • Just make it sure that newly posted contents on your website are easily accessible for the online visitors. Often posting of crawlers in lack of strong link structure, good site navigation and topical archives fail to justify your efforts.

  • Do not focus on much complex and complicated URLs rather believe in having or employing simple URL for your website and contents? This will be easy for the customers to remember and repeated visits. Top SEO marketing tips will always benefit the client in earning reputation and huge cash.

  • Always keep an eye on the duplicate contents and URL which will negatively affect the web traffic and internet earning in a long run.

  • Try to focus on making the title tag at the top and even in the first sentence in the content or description of the product and services. Believe it your title should clearly and simply define the content.

  • Content Management System or literally known as CMS, should be customized in the most popular manner. This will boost the overall performance.

  • Implement the concept of various link building trends as creation of back links, cross links, inbound links and external links play a major role in earning money and reputation.

  • The website owner should always try to take benefit of the global searching option which will help him in a long run. SEO visibility will increase comprehensively after following these SEO marketing tips.

  • You should constantly play with the rules of sponsored links and hence getting the revenues at an extra level will be quite easier.

  • Emphasize on SEO training for everyone in the organization or company.

  • Make it firm that SEO marketing tips is an important tool for any online business because website requirement is always there.


Quick Search Engine Optimization Tips

SEO profession is very challenging profession and seo is always fighting to get rank well in search engines. Without success there is no chance for you to do online business. My below search engine optimization tips will definately guide beginners to achieve their target :

1. Your first aim should be research your business and product offerings.
2. Research your target keywords suitable for your online products.
3. Spend time on your competitor's websites and their target keywords.
4. Check the content, title and meta of your competitor's website.
5. Use keyword suggestion tool and check which keywords pull the most traffic.
6. Don't forget to research on most and least competitive keywords.
7. Ensure that the html code is error free and easily crawlable by search engines.


New Social Media Tool - Google +1 and Search Engine Rankings

Google has launched the new application called Google +1 very recently. If you have seen carefully, there is a +1 sign next to each search result in Google search results page. In this article, let’s take a look at this new tool on how it works, what are its effects on PageRank, are Google+1 and Search Engine Rankings related to each other, and how you can use it on your website.

Basically +1 is acts same as that of “Like” button on FaceBook or “Follow” on Twitter. But the effects of +1 are different from other two, as Google is basically a search engine as well as social media and blogging platform too. With +1 launched, Google is trying to strengthen its position in social media sector. As far its working is concerned, it will add one vote to the search result, website or blogpost, if a user presses on +1 sign next to it. When more number of people press +1, means vote for your website, it will be more trustworthy for Google.


Highlight Author Comment in Blogspot

This trick is to give a Highlight Author Comment . This will make the blog's owner comments looks different from the visitors comments. It's very usefull and interesting blogger hack tips. You can see the example in my blog. Here is what to do to make a "Highlight Author Comment" effect in Blogspot.

1. Login to blogger, then choose "Layout --> Edit HTML". Don't forget to backup your template first.
2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
3. Copy this script and put it before ]]></b:skin> or copy to your CSS area.

.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Background color*/
color: #000; /* Text color*/
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px; /* Posotion*/


How Create Vertical Menu in blogspot

We have learned how to create horizontal menu in blogspot before. Now we will try to make a vertical menu in blogspot. We will make a vertical menu like the image. Ok let's do it

1. Login to blogger then choose "Layout-->Edit HTML"
2. Put the script below before this code ]]></b:skin> or put it in CSS code area.
